A Place To Call Home

Posts by bobnuzum@gmail.com

The Transfer

Life can be an up and down affair. Our walk with Christ should not be. God is calling us to live in consistent communion with Him. He does not want our relationship with Him to fluctuate depending on our moods and emotions. There is a move away from emotion based worship because He wants relationship based worship. Relationship based worship worship far exceeds…

How Do You Battle?

Leonard Ravenhill said “Prayer is not a preparation for the battle; it is the battle!” To ignore the battle, is a folly that has dire consequences.  Sticking our head in the sand hoping that when we pull it out things will be different, is not only ignorant but also deadly. As the body of Christ we must realize that we are in…

Hearing The Voice of God

How many times have you said, “I wish I could hear the voice of God”?  If you’re anything like me the answer is, too many times to count.  While reflecting on this question, I have come to the conclusion that He speaks more than we realize and the sweet sound of His eternal voice is constantly searching through the earth, trying to…

The Importance of Personal Devotion

In a world where there is so much emphasis put on religious activity and church growth, I am of the belief that we have left behind the most important stone in the foundation of our walk with Christ; personal devotion.  We have come to a dangerous place where we know how to do “church” and we have seminars on how to best…

Sound the Alarm

Repent ye :for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Mat 3:2). Those words could be heard ringing  throughout the wilderness. As a man wearing a raiment of camel’s hair and a leather girdle about his loins, eating locust and wild honey (Mat 3:4), began to preach the only sermon he knew. “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths…